Blue KC

Blue KC Provider Directory API Guide


Search for Practitioner(s)

Find all providers and their personally related resources/services/etc... Below we have provided sample URLs for calling our Provider Directory API

All Practitioner Search

This is a complex search parameter on the Practitioner endpoint. You can search for a practitioner in various ways. Below are examples on how to search all practitioners, a specific practitioner by reference ID, and a specific practitioner by name.

The search for all practitioners is quite easy. Using the Practitioner endpoint, you will not need to provide any search parameters. Just call the endpoint and you're on your way!


Practitioner by Reference ID

Searching for a specific practitioner by Reference ID is also quite easy. You can use the Practitioner endpoint with an identifier at the end of the URI.

If you don't know a practitioner's reference ID you can use the Practitioner endpoint with no added search parameter, then locate the desired practitioner.


Practitioner by Name

Lastly, searching for a specific practitioner by name is just as easy as the rest, but there are some rules! The name search parameter is case insensitive but will not accept commas even if they are URL encoded. A first and last name can be searched together if separated by a space. The name text field is searched and matches each token in that field as separated by spaces or commas.

So, a search for Martin will find providers with a first name or last name of Martin. An example search for Garry Martin is listed as Martin, Garry in the data so the search is "Martin Garry", with no comma included. This is then URL encoded so the space works as a parameter. You can use the Practitioner endpoint with a given practitioner name at the end of the URI.

If you don't know a practitioner's name you can use the Practitioner endpoint with no added search parameter, then locate the desired practitioner.

/Practitioner?name="MARTIN GARRY"

There are numerous pages of Practitioner. To page over, you can use a URI which includes page numbering:


Before using our production URLs, please utilize the UAT URLs provided in the hyperlinks. Once you have completed your development within the test environment you may shift to using the Production URLs.
